
Sunday, July 24, 2016


There are 4 management methods applicable: 

1. Free Grazing Method 
Cattle are allowed to freely graze in grass fields. This includes grazing on the roadsides. This is not suitable because it will disturb other people's gardens possibilities of cattle being hit or hurt by vehicles dependent on poor and unsuitable pastures difficult to keep track of individual animals.

2. Feedlot or Enclosed Method 
Reared cattle are always kept in the shed, constantly provided with sufficient quality feeds, clean water and sufficient minerals. Feed, either as cut grass or concentrates or a mixture of both, is supplied at a daily dry weight ratio of 3 - 5% of the animal's body weight. Usually, cut grass is given in the morning and concentrates in the afternoon. Approximately 30 square feet of floor space per animal is required. Additional labor is required for washing the shed floors and keeping the surroundings clean.

3. Semi-Intensive Grazing 
This method is more practical for our country. Cattle are allowed to graze freely either in a fenced pasture or in a public pasture for a fixed period. The cattle are then herded back to the cattle sheds for supplementary feeding and shelter during the night. This means the farmer must have cattle sheds and sufficient grazing grounds.

4. Integration with Major Crops
In our country, large areas are cultivated with major crops like oil palm, rubber, coconut and fruit orchards. Usually, these plantations are covered with undergrowth that requires chemical control. Integration with livestock will reduce herbicide costs as well as fertilizer costs. With controlled grazing, one hectare of oil palm can support one head of cattle.

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